These are the cards we will be making in my February class--Weddings and Babies. I had so much fun making them. For some reason I always put off till the last minute making these cards so this time I am up to date. The first wedding card uses the See Through Window technique which I think makes a very pretty card. The Used Dryer Sheet and Dazzling Diamonds Glitter add sparkle to the next card. I playes with punched on the first baby card and made like a little jacket really cute in person and I really like the color combination in this card, Sage Shadow and Orchid Opulence. The last card uses the Polka Dot Embossing Folder and Vellum paper makes a great background for the cute teddy bear. This class will be held in my home on February 20, contact me for more information. (OPPS I scanned the Get Well Card not the Wedding Card. Sorry my bad!)